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News and Commentaries|67 Article(s)
News and Commentaries
“Pinching” aromatic molecules closer with optical tweezers in single-molecule junctions
Liwei Wang, and Shengxiong Xiao
The commentary discusses work recently published in Physical Review Letters, which reported a nondestructive approach to realizing precise control of p-p stacking at single molecule scale by laser illumination. The commentary discusses work recently published in Physical Review Letters, which reported a nondestructive approach to realizing precise control of p-p stacking at single molecule scale by laser illumination.
Advanced Photonics
- Publication Date: Jan. 28, 2025
- Vol. 7, Issue 1, 010503 (2025)
Picophotonics goes to higher dimensions
Yijie Shen, and Nikolay I. Zheludev
The emerging discipline of picophotonics explores events on a scale thousands of times smaller than the wavelength of light. A recent work introduces a phase singularity ruler that allows picometer-scale localization metrology in three dimensions. The emerging discipline of picophotonics explores events on a scale thousands of times smaller than the wavelength of light. A recent work introduces a phase singularity ruler that allows picometer-scale localization metrology in three dimensions.
Advanced Photonics
- Publication Date: Jan. 28, 2025
- Vol. 7, Issue 1, 010502 (2025)
Toward infrared spectral imaging at high resolution and high sensitivity
Andrius Baltuška
The article comments on a significant breakthrough in detecting mid-infrared light at low photon counts. The article comments on a significant breakthrough in detecting mid-infrared light at low photon counts.
Advanced Photonics
- Publication Date: Jan. 08, 2025
- Vol. 7, Issue 1, 010501 (2025)
Twenty questions on the frontier of laser science and technology
Liangliang Ji
In celebration of the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, the institute launched a public call for questions and challenges in laser science and technology. Twenty questions were ultimately selected, covering the mechanisms of coherent light sources, laser applications in imaging and manufacturing, new laser materials, and so on. These questions may serve as guidance in the future development of laser physics and applications. In celebration of the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, the institute launched a public call for questions and challenges in laser science and technology. Twenty questions were ultimately selected, covering the mechanisms of coherent light sources, laser applications in imaging and manufacturing, new laser materials, and so on. These questions may serve as guidance in the future development of laser physics and applications.
Advanced Photonics
- Publication Date: Dec. 11, 2024
- Vol. 6, Issue 6, 060505 (2024)
Optical transparency in live animals: a leap toward deep-tissue applications
Siyang Zheng, Wenzhao Li, Weiran Pang, Tianting Zhong, and Puxiang Lai
The application of light remains constrained in deep tissues, where we struggle to achieve the same or comparable high-resolution focusing and imaging as in superficial tissues. This limitation mainly arises from the spatial inhomogeneities of refractive index (RI) in biological tissues, where light propagation is severely hindered by scattering and absorption. In recent years, enhancing imaging outcomes by reducing the scattering effects in tissues has become a hot topic of research. One effective way is to increase the refractive index of the aqueous components with optical clearing agents, achieving an effective RI level closer to that of lipids and proteins. This article comments on a recent study that reported a counterintuitive yet plain approach to the barrier and achieved biocompatible transparency of live tissues. In brief, the proposed strategy enables harmless, reversible tissue clarification of living rodents, greatly increasing the penetration depth and resolution of current in-vivo imaging technologies. The application of light remains constrained in deep tissues, where we struggle to achieve the same or comparable high-resolution focusing and imaging as in superficial tissues. This limitation mainly arises from the spatial inhomogeneities of refractive index (RI) in biological tissues, where light propagation is severely hindered by scattering and absorption. In recent years, enhancing imaging outcomes by reducing the scattering effects in tissues has become a hot topic of research. One effective way is to increase the refractive index of the aqueous components with optical clearing agents, achieving an effective RI level closer to that of lipids and proteins. This article comments on a recent study that reported a counterintuitive yet plain approach to the barrier and achieved biocompatible transparency of live tissues. In brief, the proposed strategy enables harmless, reversible tissue clarification of living rodents, greatly increasing the penetration depth and resolution of current in-vivo imaging technologies.
Advanced Photonics
- Publication Date: Dec. 06, 2024
- Vol. 6, Issue 6, 060504 (2024)
Quantum leap: observing antiferromagnetic transition in a 3D fermionic Hubbard model with ultracold atoms
Laraib Niaz, and Alex Krasnok
The commentary examines a recent advancement in quantum simulations. The commentary examines a recent advancement in quantum simulations.
Advanced Photonics
- Publication Date: Oct. 22, 2024
- Vol. 6, Issue 6, 060503 (2024)
Breaking the diffraction limit for label-free chemical imaging
Haonan Lin, and Ji-Xin Cheng
Label-free vibrational stimulated Raman microscopy surpasses the diffraction limit by employing structured illumination, opening new avenues for super-resolution imaging of biological targets. Label-free vibrational stimulated Raman microscopy surpasses the diffraction limit by employing structured illumination, opening new avenues for super-resolution imaging of biological targets.
Advanced Photonics
- Publication Date: Sep. 23, 2024
- Vol. 6, Issue 6, 060502 (2024)
Three decades riding the photonic crystal fiber wave: an interview with Prof. Philip Russell
Long Zhang
Prof. Philip Russell (Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light) discusses the development of photonic crystal fibers, in a conversation with Prof. Long Zhang (Chinese Academy of Sciences). Prof. Philip Russell (Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light) discusses the development of photonic crystal fibers, in a conversation with Prof. Long Zhang (Chinese Academy of Sciences).
Advanced Photonics
- Publication Date: Oct. 11, 2024
- Vol. 6, Issue 6, 060501 (2024)
Singular dielectric nanolaser: breaking diffraction limits to atomic scale
Xuefeng Jiang
The article comments on a novel device recently reported in Nature, which combines a dielectric bowtie nanoantenna with a twisted lattice nanocavity to achieve sub-diffraction-limited mode volumes. The article comments on a novel device recently reported in Nature, which combines a dielectric bowtie nanoantenna with a twisted lattice nanocavity to achieve sub-diffraction-limited mode volumes.
Advanced Photonics
- Publication Date: Oct. 04, 2024
- Vol. 6, Issue 5, 050503 (2024)
Neural network enables ultrathin flat optics imaging in full color
Anna Wirth Singh, Johannes Froch, and Arka Majumdar
The article comments on a recently developed neural network that enables ultrathin flat optics imaging in full color. The article comments on a recently developed neural network that enables ultrathin flat optics imaging in full color.
Advanced Photonics
- Publication Date: Sep. 17, 2024
- Vol. 6, Issue 5, 050502 (2024)
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